Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Week of September 25th

This week classes will be working out of their textbooks. We will be reading selections and focusing on how to annotate and take notes as we read. Both classes will be reading exemplary texts for the type of writing assignment they will be completing at the end of the marking period. Students will also be practicing their vocabulary list each list contains 5 words and students should study not only the definitions of the words but also the root word of each. Students should be able to use their knowledge of root words to determine the meaning of related words.

English 7
Monday and Tuesday we will be reading "Grounded," the Unit 1 Launchtext. This text is an example of non-fiction narrative writing. Students should take note of the sensory details used in the selection as well as the use of dialogue.

The vocabulary list for this Unit is located on page 5 of the textbook. There will be a short quiz on the vocabulary words and their roots on Friday, September 29th. This quiz will be worth 20 points.
The words are:
  • Dialogue, root: -log- "word"
    • Conversation
  • Consequence, root: -sequ- "follow"
    • Positive or negative effect/result
  • Perspective, root: -spec- "look"
    • Particular way of looking at something; point of view
  • Notable, root: -not- "mark"
    • Outstanding; remarkable
  • Contradict, root: -dict- "speak" or "assert"
    • To state the opposite; to deny
Tuesday: Study for vocabulary quiz
Wednesday: Study for vocabulary quiz
Thursday:Study for vocabulary quiz
Friday: Read something you enjoy for at least 20 minutes

English 8
On Monday and Tuesday we will be reading "The Grand Mosque of Paris," the Unit 2 Launchtext. This text is an example of explanatory writing. Students should take note of the use of facts and information in the selection and notice the absence of opinions. At the end of the marking period students will write their own explanatory essays.

The vocabulary list for Unit 2 is located on page 91 of the textbook. There will be a short quiz on the vocabulary words and their roots on Friday, September 29th. This quiz will be worth 20 points.
The words are:
  • Theorize, root: -theo-/-thea- "view" or "consider"
    • To form an explanation based on observation and reasoning
  • Sustain, root: -tain- "hold"
    • To maintain or keep up
  • Declaration, root: -clar- "clear"
    • Announcement or formal statement
  • Pronounce, root: -nounc-/ -nunc- "declare" or "report"
    • To say a word correctly and clearly, to officially anounce
  • Enumerate, root: -numer- "number"
    • To specify as in a list; to count

Tuesday: Study for vocabulary quiz
Wednesday: Study for vocabulary quiz
Thursday:Study for vocabulary quiz
Friday: Read something you enjoy for at least 20 minutes

Monday, September 18, 2017

Week of September 18th

This post has been modified. Please check for changes. 9/20/17

This week all classes will be testing in the computer lab on Monday and Tuesday. Eighth grade students will be completing their English CDT tests and 7th grade students will be completing the Beginning of the Year tests through Pearson Online. The purpose of both of these tests is to see what we know and what we don't know so that we can proceed most effectively for the rest of the year. Both grades will take their respective tests again in the winter and for a final time in the spring. The goal is to see progress and growth with each testing session.

English 7
On Monday and Tuesday we will be in the computer lab completing the Beginning of the Year test through Pearson Online. This test is a requirement and it must be finished by 11:59 Wednesday night. You will not have time on the computers on Wednesday to complete the test. However, you may access this test from any computer with internet access using pearsonrealize.com and the username and password provided to you at the beginning of the year.

For the remainder of the week we are going to start working with the textbook. We will begin with the Unit 1 vocabulary. We will spend Wednesday and Thursday's class defining our vocabulary terms. On Friday we will read the Launchtext, "Grounded." You can access this text and all of the questions associated with you textbook through pearsonrealize.com.

Tuesday: Finish Beginning of the Year test if you have not completed it in class
Wednesday: Finish bellringers for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Friday: Read something you enjoy for at least 20 minutes!

English 8
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday these classes will be testing in the computer lab. We will be taking CDT tests which most of you are familiar with from last year. As you know, you will take these tests 3 times throughout the year. The first testing session this week will serve as our starting point and we will be able to see and measure how much we grow throughout the year by taking them in the middle of the year, and then again at the end.

For the remainder of the week we will work out of the textbook. We will be working with Unit 2, the same as your reading classes and we will begin with the Unit 2 vocabulary. We will spend Wednesday and Thursday defining the unit vocabulary. On Friday, we will begin reading the Launch text, "The Grand Mosque of Paris." You can access this text and all of the questions and homework associated with your textbook through pearsonrealize.com.

Wednesday: Finish bellringers for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Friday: Read something you enjoy for at least 20 minutes!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Week of September 11th

This week both classes will be finishing their writing assignments as well as sharing what they wrote with the class. This is our first writing assignment and I expect to have them graded by the middle of next week. My expectations for each class will be outlined below. Since this is our first writing assignment and students were not given time in school to type it, typing is not a requirement for this assignment. It is, however, encouraged.

English 7
This week we will become familiar with our new kind of bellringer. This bellringer will give you a paragraph and ask you to correct all spelling and grammar mistakes. You will be given a handout to teach you about the different editing marks. This handout is very important and should be put in your binder. You will need it for the rest of the year.
We will also be finishing our writing assignments this week. Writing assignments will be due on Thursday, September 14 and my primary goal will be checking to make sure they contain an introduction/ exposition, a climax and a conclusion. These writing assignments do not need to be typed. You will receive a rubric that I will use to grade the assignment on Wednesday. Please be prepared to share your writing on Friday.

Monday: Be sure writing assignment is 1 page long
               Correct all spelling errors in writing assignment
               Final draft of writing assignment due Thursday, 9/14

Tuesday: Be sure writing assignment is 1 page long
               Identify an introduction, a climax and a conclusion in your paper
               Final draft of writing assignment due Thursday, 9/14

Wednesday: Check writing assignment for transition words. Make any final changes
                     Final draft of writing assignment due tomorrow, 9/14!

Thursday: Prepare to share writing assignment with class

Friday: Read something you enjoy for at least 10 minutes!

English 8
This week we will become familiar with our new kind of bellringer. This bellringer will give you a paragraph and ask you to correct all spelling and grammar mistakes. You will be given a handout to teach you about the different editing marks. This handout is very important and should be put in your binder. You will need it for the rest of the year. I also plan to begin our first unit from the textbook. We will be starting with Unit 2.
Your creative writing assignments will be due on Thursday, September 14 and my primary goal will be checking to make sure they contain an introduction/ exposition, a climax and a conclusion. These writing assignments do not need to be typed. You will receive a rubric that I will use to grade the assignment on Wednesday. Please be prepared to share your story with the class on Friday.

Monday: Be sure all spelling and grammar errors are fixed in writing assignment
               Be sure writing assignment has one clear conflict or problem that needs solving
               Final draft of writing assignment due Thursday, 9/14

Tuesday: Be sure writing assignment has a clear exposition, climax and resolution
                Final draft of writing assignment due Thursday, 9/14

Wednesday: Check writing assignment for transitions and make any final changes
                     Final draft of writing assignment due tomorrow, 9/14!

Thursday: Prepare to share writing assignment with class

Friday: Read something you enjoy for at least 10 minutes!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Week of September 5th

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and is ready to get back to work writing and reading! This week all classes will be reviewing the steps of the writing process and completing their first writing assignment. The final draft of this assignment is not required to be typed, though it is encouraged. Assignments for 7th and 8th grade classes will differ.

English 7
This week we are going to finish our textbook scavenger hunt and expand on the freewrites we completed last week as brainstorms. The next step of the writing process we are going to focus on is drafting. We will draft a one-page creative story on Thursday and revise it on Friday. When we return to school on Monday, we will edit and then have a final draft submitted by mid-week next week. This writing assignment is intended to be creative and fun. I am asking students to focus on plot for this assignment. Their writing should have an introduction or beginning, a climax or big conflict, and a resolution or ending.

*All students must have a binder by class on Thursday!

Tuesday: Get binder by Thursday and finish bellringer Day 2
Wednesday: Finish textbook scavenger hunt and get binder by tomorrow
Thursday: Finish writing your first draft
Friday: Read something you enjoy for at least 10 minutes!

English 8
This week we are going to move forward with our first writing assignment and begin the next steps of the writing process. Last week we did brainstorming and drafting. This week we will move on to revising and editing. Students will have their first experience with peer-review this week and the final draft of the first writing assignment will be due mid-week next week. It is not required for this writing assignment to by typed, though it is encouraged. The focus for this writing assignment will be plot and character development.

*All students must have a binder by class on Thursday!

Tuesday: Get binder by Thursday and finish bellringer Day 2
Wednesday: Get binder by tomorrow
Thursday: Finish writing your first draft
Friday: Read something you enjoy for at least 10 minutes!

Week of April 13th

Hey everyone, I'm feeling much more comfortable with technology and Google Classroom and I hope you are too. I received Week 1 assignmen...