Monday, May 8, 2017

Week of May 8th

Spring is in full swing and this week marks the half-way point for the 4th Marking Period. Progress Reports will be printed for students who are failing on Tuesday. Don't forget Monday is an extended school day!

English 9
On Monday we will review your Act II quiz corrections as well as take your Act III quiz. 
Tuesday through Thursday we will read Act IV and Friday you will have a review packet to prepare for your quiz. Your quiz on Act IV will be on Monday, May 15th.

Thursday: Complete comprehension check questions for Act IV
Friday: Finish review packet and study for quiz 

English 7
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week will be spent perfecting your cases for Thursday and Friday's debates! On Monday you will be outlining your case. On Tuesday you will be assigned a group and you will begin writing your case. On Wednesday you will finish writing your case and you will email it to me so I can print it out for you. On Thursday and Friday we will debate. 

Debates will be 3/4 vs. 3/4 and each person will have the opportunity to speak. You will deliver your case and your opponent will do the same. You will then question your opponent on their case. The winner of the debate will be determined by a vote based on the side with the better questions/ answers and facts. The students in the class who are not debating and the teacher will vote for the winner.

Tuesday: Finish case outline
Wednesday: Finish writing case

English 11
This week we will finish our work with your fictional narratives. You will have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to type and print your narratives. They will be due by the end of class on Wednesday. 

These narratives will be typed on the online application, Google Docs. You can access these documents from any computer with internet access. For this reason, barring extenuating circumstances, there will be no extensions to the Wednesday due date.

On Thursday and Friday we will read the short story "Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" and discuss its structure, its conflicts and the way the conflict is resoved. We will look at the way the character is developed and determine how the ending contributes to the story's motif. You will be using this story to compare and contrast a second short story that we will read next week.

Tuesday: If assigned, find news article
Wednesday: Annotate news article

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Week of April 13th

Hey everyone, I'm feeling much more comfortable with technology and Google Classroom and I hope you are too. I received Week 1 assignmen...