Monday, September 26, 2016

Week of 9/26

This week Honors classes will continue reading A Separate Peace and English classes will begin reading the famous novel, The Outsiders. Mythology classes will work on an advertising project and then read Flower Myths. 

This week all English classes will also be working with vocabulary. The schedule for vocabulary weeks will always be the same. Monday we will get the words and definitions. Tuesday and Wednesday we will do very quick reviews. Sentences using the words will be due on Wednesday. Thursday we will practice for the test. And Friday we will take a quiz on the vocabulary words.

Honors English 9:
Monday we will get our first list of vocabulary words. Tuesday we will begin completing a study guide for A Separate Peace and discuss the first 2 chapters of the novel. Wednesday we will continue reading and I will ask you to read up to chapter 6 by Monday. You can use the silent reading time on Friday morning to help you complete this reading assignment. Thursday we will review for the quiz and Friday we will take the vocabulary quiz and spend any remaining time completing the reading assignment.

Monday- study vocab words 1-8, vocabulary sentences
Tuesday- study vocab words 9-16, vocabulary sentences
Wednesday- complete chapter 1 study guide questions, review all vocabulary words
Thursday- study all vocabulary words for quiz tomorrow
Friday- read chapters 3, 4 and 5 of A Separate Peace

English 9:
Monday we will get our first set of vocabulary words. Tuesday we will begin reading The Outsiders and complete a corresponding study guide. We will review the vocabulary list on Wednesday and continue reading. Sentences using vocabulary words will also be due on Wednesday. On Thursday we will do a formal extended practice with the vocabulary words to prepare for the vocabulary quiz which will be on Friday.

Monday- study vocab words, write vocabulary sentences
Tuesday- study vocab words, write vocabulary sentences
Wednesday- complete chapter 1 study guide questions for The Outsiders, review vocabulary words
Thursday- study all vocabulary words for quiz tomorrow
Friday- ensure all study guide questions for The Outsiders chapter 1 are completed

Monday we will begin our next project, a mythical brochure. You will create a brochure advertising a mythical place using Microsoft Publisher. It is my intention that you complete most work for this project in school. Therefore, we will work on completing this project Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The brochure will be due to me via email ( by Thursday. I will print the brochures.
On Thursday we will begin our next set of myths.

Monday- research mythical place
Tuesday and Wednesday- complete brochure
Thursday- read assigned myth
Friday- complete flower myth worksheet

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Week of April 13th

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