Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Week of December 19th

Christmas. It has finally arrived.

This week is our last school week of 2016 and I hope we can all agree that we want to make it a good one! I know it can be difficult to focus with such big holidays right around the corner, but I expect students to be ready and prepared to complete classwork when they come to class.  If you can do that, you fully deserve your break. Think of it this way- You're mind, body and conscience will rest better over break knowing you worked as hard as you could in class.

This week, classes will be working to tie up all loose ends before the holiday. We will only be back in school for 1 week before mid-terms in January so we don't want to leave any projects or assignments unfinished. Honors English classes will be finishing our work with Unit 2 from the literature textbooks. English 9 will be reading a short story from the literature textbooks. You will get a quiz on this reading at the end of the week. And Mythology classes will continue work with The Odyssey.

Have an excellent holiday break with family and friends and I will see you on January 3rd, refreshed and ready for a new year!

Honors English 9
This week we are going to finish up Unit 2 in the white literature textbooks. We will read our last selection from the Unit, an excerpt from the novel The Life of Pi. Monday will be our first read of the text, Tuesday and Wednesday will focus on a close reading of the text, Thursday we will target some important information and Friday we will quiz. As our Friday class will be shortened, your quiz will be shortened as well.

Monday: Be sure comprehension check questions are complete
Tuesday: Finish first half of close reading worksheet
Wednesday: Be sure to have your close reading worksheet done
Thursday: Study for your quiz on the excerpt from The Life of Pi
Friday: Enjoy your holiday! Read something new!

English 9
Period 2
We will spend most of this week reviewing material we have already learned in class. Monday we will complete a worksheet that will help us review pronouns and antecedents. On Tuesday we will complete a Jeopardy review game, which will encompass everything we have learned in class so far. Everything from grammar to vocabulary to literature is free game. We will finish the Jeopardy game up, if necessary, on Wednesday and then begin watching The Outsiders film. You will complete a chart comparing the novel to the film as you watch. If time permits, we will have a discussion on the differences and similarities between the book and the film on Friday.

Thursday: Complete Outsiders film and novel comparison chart
Friday: Enjoy your holiday! Read something new!

Period 5
This week we are going to read a selection from Unit 2 of the textbook. We will begin the short story "The Seventh Man." This story is a frame story and we will spend some time discussing what that means and what kind of impact it has on the way the story is told by the author and the way the reader understands it. Please be sure to bring your white literature books with you to class every day this week. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be spent completing a first read through the story. Thursday and Friday will be spent completing a close read. Please be sure to bring your white literature books with you to class every day this week.

Friday: Enjoy your holiday! Read something new!

We will move into reading "The Adventure of Odysseus" this week. We unfortunately won't have time for the whole epic poem, The Odyssey, but instead will read an abridged re-telling from our textbooks. We will spend Monday and Tuesday finishing up our presentation of the events and war that lead up to Odysseus' adventure and then Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we will read the re-telling as a class. You will be completing a worksheet as we read. There will be a writing assignment attached to this reading that you will work on when we return from break. Please pay close attention to this reading selection.

Tuesday: Complete Troy worksheet
Friday: Be sure "Adventures of Odysseus" worksheet is complete

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

English 9 Quiz Announcement

Attention English 9 (periods 2 and 5):

Your quiz on The Outsiders chapters 9 through 12 will be on Thursday. This quiz was moved to Thursday to avoid the condensed schedule of Wednesday's data delay.

Attached to this post you will find a PowerPoint that is intended to help you study. We will review in class on Wednesday.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Week of December 12th

This week is our last full week before Christmas. This means we will be finishing our work with poetry, The Outsiders and our review board games. Our regular class schedule will be disrupted a couple times this week (Monday's 2 hour delay and Wednesday's data delay). This means that we have to be diligent with completing the work on our current units so we can direct our attention to the second-half of the year and mid-terms after Christmas break.

Class plans for this week have been changed. Please see updates below.

Honors English 9
This week we are going to complete our poetry project and take a quiz on poetry. We will spend Monday and Tuesday writing poems for your poetry project. These poems have very specific requirements so please be sure to consult your rubric as you write. After the poems are written, we will transpose them to posters and make them aesthetically pleasing. I hope to display these poems around the room as I am very proud of the progress we have made both writing and analyzing poetry!

Monday: Finish poem rough draft.
Tuesday: Work on poem poster.
Wednesday: Study for poetry quiz.
Thursday: Complete poem poster.
Friday: Read something you enjoy!

English 9
Period 2
This week we are going to finish up the bulk of our work with The Outsiders. You will begin your final project for this novel on Monday. You will be placed into groups and have 3 project ideas to choose from: a graffiti board, a map or a movie poster. You will have all class on Monday and Tuesday to work on these projects. Wednesday, we will review for your quiz on chapters 9 through 12 of the novel and Thursdayyou will take that quiz. We will spend the remainder of the week completing the final projects.

Monday: Continue work on Outsiders poster project.
Tuesday: Begin reviewing for Outsiders chapters 9-12 quiz.
Wednesday: Study for Outsiders chapters 9 through 12 quiz.
Thursday: Continue working on Outsiders final project.
Friday: Read something you enjoy!

Period 5
This week you will finish your Outsiders final project. You will have Monday in class to finish your projects. Any remaining work will need to be completed Monday night for homework. On Tuesday, we are going to begin reviewing for our quiz on the last 4 chapters of the novel. Wednesday we will have a formal review and you will take this quiz on Thursday. Please be sure to bring your white literature books to class with you on Thursday and Friday.

Monday: Work on Outsiders poster project.
Tuesday: Begin studying for Outsiders chapters 9 through 12 quiz.
Wednesday: Study for Outsiders chapters 9 through 12 quiz.
Friday: Read something you enjoy!

This week you will finish your review game boards. You will have Monday and Tuesday in class to work on these projects and they will be due on Wednesday. For the remainder of the week, we will cover some background information before we begin reading The Odyssey. We will spend longer on this myth than we have on any other. There are several reasons for this. First, this piece of literature has notable cultural significance and has influenced arguably every piece of literature produced since its publication. Second, this is one of the most widely known stories in the history of written record. And Third, this myth is the longest we have encountered and its story is more complex than the others we have worked with.

Monday: Work on game board project.
Tuesday: Complete game board project.
Friday: Read something you enjoy!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Week of December 5th

Progress reports will be sent home this week for all students who are, or near, failing. Even if you will not be receiving a progress report, this is an excellent time for you to check on your grades. Be sure you are happy with them. If you are not, about half of the marking period remains. That is enough time to turn things around. Please check your grades sometime this week. If you are unable to do this, see me and I will give you an updated grade.

Additionally this week, all English classes will be working on our next vocabulary unit. It has been a while since we have done vocabulary because of shortened weeks and holiday breaks. Remember the schedule for vocabulary weeks is always the same: Monday you will get definitions. Wednesday you will have sentences due. Thursday we will review and Friday will be your quiz.

Honors English 9
This week we will start our 3rd vocabulary unit. This unit has 12 words. You will have sentences for these words due to me by Wednesday and your quiz on this list will be Friday.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will begin working on our poetry project. Students will write their own poems after completing some poem-writing exercises. Students will then be expected to identify the different elements of the poem as defined and described in the Poetry note packet.

Monday- Review definitions
Tuesday- Complete vocabulary sentences
Wednesday- Brainstorm poem
Thursday- Study for vocabulary quiz
Friday- Complete poem for Monday

English 9
This week we will start vocabulary unit 2B. This unit has 8 words. You will have sentences for these words due to me by Wednesday and your quiz on this list will be Friday.

Period 2:
On Tuesday and Wednesday, in addition to reviewing the vocabulary words, we will continue reading The Outsiders. I hope to finish the book this week. This means you can expect a quiz on chapters 9 though 12 early next week.

Monday- Review definitions
Tuesday- Complete vocabulary sentences
Wednesday- Review definitions
Thursday- Study for vocabulary quiz
Friday- Study for The Outsiders quiz on chapters 9 through 12

Period 5:
On Tuesday and Wednesday, in addition to reviewing the vocabulary words, we will continue working on our final project for The Outsiders. You will continue working on your poster, advertisement or map. This project will be due on Thursday.

Monday- Review definitions
Tuesday- Complete vocabulary sentences
Wednesday- Complete The Outsiders project
Thursday- Study for vocabulary quiz
Friday- Read something you enjoy

The vocabulary quiz has been moved to Monday. Please study vocabulary over the weekend.

This week we will finish our discussions on "Hercules" and take a quiz on the myth on Wednesday. Please use your study guide to prepare for the quiz. The remainder of the week will be spent completing our next class project: board games. You will make a board game based on one of the myths we have read in class. These projects will be due by Friday and we can try them out in class!

Tuesday- Study for "Hercules" quiz
Wednesday- Work on board game project
Thursday- Complete board game project
Friday- Read something you enjoy

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Week of November 29th

This is a short week to help us recover from Thanksgiving. You should be aware that progress reports will be reported next Tuesday. This means that you are nearly half way through the 2nd marking period. Please keep an eye on your grades and be sure you are happy with the grades you are earning.

Honors English 9
This week we are going to finish working with poetry. We will complete the poetry notes from last week, read poems from the literature textbook and complete an analysis packet for selected poems. You will write and annotate your own poems next week and you will get a test on poetry late next week.

Tuesday- Complete Comprehension Check Questions for the poems read in class today
Wednesday- Complete questions on the Wordsworth poem "Wandering" from the poetry packet
Thursday- Complete questions for the 2 Langston Hughes poems from the packet
Friday- Be sure the poetry packet is complete. It will be collected and checked on Monday.

English 9
Period 2
We will continue reading The Outsiders this week and prepare for our next quiz on the novel. The next and final quiz for the novel will be on chapters 10 through 13. You should be completing your study packet as we read to help prepare you for the upcoming quiz.

Tuesday- Figurative language examples and comprehension questions
Wednesday- Figurative language examples and comprehension questions
Thursday- Figurative language examples and comprehension questions
Friday- Complete Critical Thinking questions for chapters 9 and 10

Period 5
This week we will continue watching The Outsiders. Please be sure you are completing the comparison chart to note the differences between the film and the novel. We will be using this information to help us complete the final project for The Outsiders.

Thursday- Be sure comparison worksheet is complete. Brainstorm project ideas
Friday- Plan your project

This week we will finish the movie Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. We will have a brief discussion regarding the similarities and difference between the film and the movie and then move on to our next myth, "Hercules." I expect to finish reading this myth this week meaning you should be prepared for a quiz on the myth early next week.

Wednesday- finish reading "Hercules" and complete the worksheet
Thursday- Study for "Hercules" quiz

Monday, November 21, 2016

Week of November 21st

Thanksgiving week is upon us! There are no classes on Thursday and Friday and we will have a shortened class on Wednesday. Please come to class prepared to learn because our schedule this week leaves little room for adjustment. Most classes will be finishing projects or units this week.

Honors English 9
This week we are going to finish taking our notes on poetry. We will review poem scanning, different types of meter and touch upon poem analysis. Wednesday and Thursday you will create your own poems to be displayed in the classroom. Don't panic, you do not need to write your own poem. I'll let you try to figure that one out before class on Tuesday.

Monday- Paraphrase the poem "One Art" from your note-taking packet
Tuesday- Work on poem
Wednesday- Read something over break that exercises your imagination!

English 9
Period 2
This week we are going to finish working with the essay "Quilt of a Country." We will review for your quiz on Monday and complete the quiz Tuesday. Wednesday we will tie up loose ends for the story and your quizzes will be returned.

Monday- Study for "Quilt of a Country" quiz
Tuesday- Read something you enjoy!
Wednesday- Finish quiz corrections

Period 5
This week we are going to continue reading The Outsiders. I hope to finish the book and our study guide packet this week. Please come to class ready to read!

Monday- Complete Critical Thinking Questions in your Outsiders packet for chapters 9 and 10
Tuesday- Complete questions in your Outsiders packet for chapter 11
Wednesday- Complete questions in your Outsiders packet for chapter 12

We have talked all year about mythology in contemporary pop culture. This week we are going to see a very good example of myths that provide a basis for pop culture films. We will be watching Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief this week and you will complete a Venn Diagram comparing the myth, "Perseus" to the film. We will discuss the similarities and differences on Wednesday.

Monday- Be sure "Atlanta" worksheet is complete
Wednesday- Read something over break that exercises your imagination!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week of November 14th

This is our last full week before Thanksgiving and we all know how quickly the 2nd quarter will fly once we start breaking for holidays. Please stay diligent with your classwork as all classes will be given quizzes this week and some will have projects or writing assignments due.

Honors English 9
This week we are going to begin reading an editorial from Unit 2 called "The Moral Logic of Survivor Guilt." We will put this editorial in conversation with short story "The Seventh Man" and the way our character felt after he survived the typhoon. You can expect a quiz on this selection on Wednesday. It will be entirely multiple choice and questions will be crafted in a way similar to "The Seventh Man" quiz. These quizzes are not easy, but with more practice we will earn higher and higher scores as well as better prepare for state tests administered in the future.

After reading and testing on "The Moral Logic of Survivor Guilt," we will move to reading another type of literature: poetry. We will read 3 poetry selections from our textbook and learn how to analyze poetry and find meaning in the lines. Don't fret! Poetry is not as scary as it might at first seem and with some practice, I have no doubt you guys will be poetry expects in no time!

Monday- finish Critical Review, if you have not yet done so
Tuesday- study for "The Moral Logic of Survivor Guilt" quiz tomorrow
Wednesday- read something you enjoy
Thursday- read a poem your interested in
Friday- find a poem to share with the class next week that relates to our essential question: What does it take to survive?

English 9
This week we will finish The Outsiders chapter 8, if your class hasn't already do so. Period 2 will have a quiz on Outsiders chapters 5 through 8 on Wednesday. This quiz will primarily focus on plot, sequence of events and character development. After the quiz, we will move on to read a selection from the textbook called "Quilt of a Nation." This will broaden our understanding of the essential question for this unit: What does it mean to be American?

In period 5, our schedule will look different. We will do a second read through "Quilt of a Nation" and prepare to take a quiz on this selection on Wednesday. We will discuss and practice close reading strategies to help prepare for the quiz. The quiz will  be entirely multiple choice and modeled after the types of questions you will have to answer on state tests you'll take in the future.

Homework for Period 2:
Monday- ensure all study guide questions for chapters 5 through 8 are complete
Tuesday- complete critical thinking questions for chapters 7 and 8. Study for quiz tomorrow
Wednesday- read something you enjoy
Thursday- review the story selection we read in class today, be sure you can summarize a main idea
Friday- prepare for quiz on "Quilt of a Nation" on Monday or Tuesday

Homework for Period 5:
Monday- review "Quilt of a Nation," ensure you can summarize and find the main idea
Tuesday- study for "Quilt of a Nation" quiz tomorrow
Wednesday- read something you enjoy
Thursday- ensure questions for The Outsiders chapter 9 are complete
Friday- read something you enjoy

This week we will finish up with "The Quest of the Golden Fleece" and move into our next myth "Perseus." You will have Monday to complete your comic strip and that will be due Tuesday. Please be sure to hand in your comic strip on Tuesday even if members of your group will be absent that day.

Tuesday through Friday we will read "Perseus." This myth is not as long as the "Golden Fleece" and you can expect a quiz on it on Friday. We will spend next week watching a modern day film adaptation of "Perseus."

Monday- finish "Golden Fleece" comic strip
Thursday- prepare for "Perseus" quiz
Friday- read something you enjoy!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week of Nov. 7th UPDATED

Please note this post has been updated to reflect new due dates. All updates are indicated in red.

This is the first full week of the 2nd marking period. I hope that you reviewed your grades with your parents and guardians and you are looking to make improvements for the next report card. My expectations will be a bit higher this marking period so please be sure to adhere to deadlines, contact me with any concerns and check your grade often.

Honors English:
This week we will continue reading our first selection from Unit 2: "The Seventh Man." We will spend more time on this excerpt than we have on selections from the textbook in the past and you will have a test on the reading. You can expect this test to fall on Wednesday, 11/9. This test will be aligned with Common Core standards and will prepare you for your Keystone exams in the spring. After the test, we will discuss our next type of writing: the critical essay. We will spend Thursday writing a critical response to this story and on Friday we will hear a radio broadcast that elaborates of the themes of this story.

Monday- Finish reading "The Seventh Man"
Tuesday- Study for "The Seventh Man" quiz
Wednesday- Period 3: Study for "The Seventh Man" quiz
Thursday- Complete Critical Response for "The Seventh Man"
Friday- Read a book you enjoy!

Period 3: You will have your quiz on "The Seventh Man" on Thursday. 

English 9:
We are making a big push this week with The Outsiders. We will forgo vocabulary in an effort to make significant progress in the novel. You will have your second quiz on the novel (chapters 5 through 8) this Friday or next week, depending on what period you are in. This also means you will have Critical Thinking questions for homework. Please be sure you are keeping up with your study guide as it is worth a significant number of points. An assignment this large will impact your marking period average, so let's start off on a good foot!

Monday- Period 2: Ensure all questions for chapters 5 and 6 of The Outsiders are complete
Tuesday- Period 2: Ensure you have examples of each type of figurative language from chapters 5 and 6 written in your study guide
Wednesday- Period 2: Complete Critical Thinking Questions for chapters 5 and 6
                     Period 4: Study for quiz on chapters 5 through 8
Thursday- Period 4: Study for quiz on chapters 5 through 8
Friday- Read something you enjoy!

Period 2: You will have your quiz on chapters 5-8 of The Outsiders next Friday, 11/18.

We will finish "The Question of the Golden Fleece" this week. It will take a few days as the story is somewhat complex and the characters are easily confused. You can expect a quiz on this myth on Thursday, 11/10.
After "The Golden Fleece" we will move into the myth of "Perseus." We will complete a study guide on this myth and a quiz. You can expect the quiz early next week, plan on Monday. If time allows, we will watch a film to accompany this myth.

As I mentioned to you last week, I would like to pick up the pace to leave time this marking period for the Odyssey. Please keep up with assignments, especially if you have been absent.

Tuesday- Review "Golden Fleece" background information
Wednesday- Review "Golden Fleece" plot
Thursday- Study for "Golden Fleece" quiz. Review "Golden Fleece" study guide. Ensure it is complete.
Friday- Read something you enjoy!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Period 5 Homework Announcement!

Students in period 5 English:

You must complete the Critical Thinking Questions on page 14 of your The Outsiders study guide. They are due Monday, 11/7.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Week of October 31st

This week we finish the 1st marking period. I hope that this sets a standard that we can use to improve for the rest of the year. This week will be a mix of vocabulary and literature and myth classes will begin a new project. We are going to be busy.

Honors English 9:
This week you have 2 major assignments: a paper on literature from Unit 1 and a test on A Separate Peace. The paper will be due on Tuesday and your test will be Wednesday. We will spend Tuesday reviewing for the test.  For the second half of the week, we will begin the next unit. The essential question for Unit 2 is: What does it take to survive?

Monday- Finish your paper. It is due tomorrow.
Tuesday- Study for your test tomorrow.
Wednesday- Read something you enjoy
Thursday- Read something you enjoy
Friday- Finish reading "The Seventh Man" from your textbook

English 9:
This is another vocabulary week so as always you will have sentences due Wednesday and a quiz on Friday. In between, we will be pushing through The Outsiders.

Monday- Review vocabulary words
Tuesday- Finish vocabulary sentences
Wednesday- Study vocabulary
Thursday- Study vocabulary words for you test tomorrow
Friday- Read something you enjoy

We will finish up "Cupid and Psyche" this week and your quiz will be on Tuesday. After that, we will move on to our next project. This project will be a bit different than any others we have done and I will explain it on Monday. You will be assigned a myth and be asked to become an expert on it because you will then teach it to your peers. The process is reciprocal and we will complete it in class on Wednesday. You will have a quiz on these myths on Friday.

Monday- Study "Cupid and Psyche"
Tuesday- Read assigned myths
Wednesday- Complete 8 Tales of Lovers worksheet
Thursday- Study 8 Tales of Lovers for quiz
Friday- Find an example of Greek mythology in an advertisement

Friday, October 28, 2016

Make-Up Work

Students, Parents, Guardians: Tuesday is the last day of the 1st marking period. Please be sure all make-up and missing work is turned in to me by Tuesday. Failing to do so can result in a 0 for the assignment and can cause a significant drop in a student's grade.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Outsiders Chapters 1-4 Study Guide

Attached you will find a brief study guide that should help you prepare for your first quiz on The Outsiders. Please note that this is intended to supplement the information in your packet, not replace it. In other words, study from both your packet and this study guide.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Week of October 24th

This week is the last full week of the 1st marking period. If you have not done so, it is imperative that you check your current average now. There is very little time left to change your grade, so please be sure you know what to expect when you receive your report card next week. Please feel free to see me or have a parent/ guardian contact me if there is a question or concern regarding your grade.

Honors English 9
This week we will finish reading A Separate Peace and have our first formal writing assignment. We will spend the majority of the week discussing the final chapter of the book, reviewing themes, and determining how our understanding of the characters has shifted throughout the novel. We will also spend a significant amount of time relating the novel to this unit's essential questions: What does it mean to be an American?

Monday- Read chapter 11 of A Separate Peace and answer corresponding study guide questions
Tuesday- Read chapter 12 of A Separate Peace and answer corresponding study guide questions
Wednesday- Read chapter 13 of A Separate Peace and answer corresponding study guide questions
Thursday- Complete the fill-in page on the front of your study guide and ensure all questions are answered
Friday- Finish your writing assignment. It is due Monday.
CORRECTION: Essay will be due Tuesday. We will also have a test on the novel on Tuesday.

English 9
This week we will continue reading The Outsiders and review our grammar concepts from the 1st marking period. The packets you completed for homework over the weekend will be checked and we will work on exercises to strengthen our understanding of nouns, pronouns and adjectives. The verb packets from the weekend will be collected for a grade.

We will also take our first quiz on The Outsiders. Period 5 will take this quiz on Thursday. Period 2 will take this quiz on Friday.

Please note that different sections of English 9 may be at different points in the novel. Assignments regarding the novel might not be the same for both classes.

Monday- Period 5: Finish critical thinking questions for chapters 3 and 4
Tuesday- Period 2: Finish critical thinking questions for chapters 3 and 4
Wednesday- Ensure all questions and charts up to chapter 5 of the study guide are complete.
Period 5: Study for quiz
Thursday- Period 2: Study for quiz
Friday- Read a book you enjoy!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Weekend Homework Announcement!

Students in English 9 should complete the "Verbs Extra Credit" packet over the weekend. Please be sure to follow the directions and complete the packet correctly. Use your notes to help you.
No credit will be given for packets completed with less than 75% accuracy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Week of October 17th

This week I would like students from all classes to check their grades. Be sure that you know what your current grade is and determine if you would like to maintain or improve it. There are 2 weeks left in the marking period. With diligent work, that is enough time to improve your grade, however, it is also enough time for it to fall. Please try not wait until the end of the marking period to address me about concerns with your grade.

Honors English 9:
This week we will spend time familiarizing ourselves with our second vocabulary unit. The vocabulary words for Unit 2 are: 
  • abash
  • austere
  • derange
  • despondent
  • disconcert
  • downcast
  • harass 
  • languid
  • melee
  • mischance
  • misgiving
  • morose
  • privation
  • recoil
  • rue 
  • tribulation
Vocabulary weeks will always follow the same schedule. We will copy definitions for the words on Monday, sentences will be due Wednesday and the vocabulary quiz will be Friday.

Apart from vocabulary, we will continue reading and discussing A Separate Peace this week. I expect to finish up the novel by the end of next week. This means you can expect a test on the novel around November 1st. This date might change, but you should begin thinking about the test now.

Monday: Review definitions for vocabulary words 1-8. Write vocabulary sentences.
Tuesday: Review definitions for vocabulary words 9-16. Finish vocabulary sentences.
Wednesday: Read chapter 10 of A Separate Peace and complete chapter 10 study guide questions.
Thursday: Study for vocabulary quiz.
Friday: Read chapter 11 of A Separate Peace and complete chapter 11 study guide questions.

English 9:
This week we will work with our next set of vocabulary words. The vocabulary words for Unit 1B are: 
  • impunity 
  • morale
  • preoccupy
  • punctilious
  • reputable
  • solace
  • veracity
  • wary
Vocabulary weeks will usually follow the same schedule. Monday we will record definitions and begin writing sentences. Wednesday vocabulary sentences will be due and Friday a quiz on the words will be given. 

In addition to the vocabulary words this week, we will continue reading The Outsiders. You can expect a quiz on this novel once we finish reading chapter 4. This should come mid-week next week.

Monday: Continue writing vocabulary sentences.
Tuesday: Finish writing vocabulary sentences.
Wednesday: Study for vocabulary quiz.
Thursday: Study for vocabulary quiz.
Friday: Finish critical thinking questions for chapters 3 and 4 of The Outsiders.

This week you will finally get to present your myths and share your research with the class. Presentations will begin Wednesday and will conclude Friday. You should be prepared for a cumulative quiz on all presentations on Monday. A review will be provided on Friday.

Monday: Finish PowerPoint research and begin coordinating with your partner regarding your presentation.
Tuesday: Finish preparing your presentation. Finalize all presentation plans with your partner.
Wednesday: Review myths that were presented today.
Thursday: Review myths that were presented today.
Friday: Study for quiz on the myth presentations. Use your notes to help you.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Week of 10/10

Between Columbus day and Wednesday's data delay, this week is going to fly by for us all! English classes will continue working through the literature we have been reading and Honors classes will be assigned more chapters in A Separate Peace. English 9 classes will continue reading The Outsiders and fill out appropriate study guide questions. Mythology classes will continue researching and preparing for their presentations until the field trip.

Honors English 9
This week we're going to kick it into high gear with A Separate Peace. Last week's test was probably something very different for you and I know many of you struggled to finish in the shortened period. As I told you on Friday, do not panic. You will be given additional time on Tuesday to review and complete the test in class. We will then move to one of our last reading selections from the textbook for this unit. Please be sure you are bringing your textbook with you to class everyday this week.

Tuesday- Read A Separate Peace chapter 6. Be sure study guide questions for chapter 5 are complete.
Wednesday- Read A Separate Peace chapter 7. Be sure study guide questions for chapter 6 are complete.
Thursday- Read A Separate Peace chapter 8. Be sure you have all study guide questions up to, and including, chapter 8 finished.
Friday- Read a book of your choice! Enjoy it.

English 9
We are making progress with The Outsiders and we will continue working with this novel this week. We will also be reviewing the past vocabulary words this week. Please be sure you are not forgetting the definitions of these words as they will be popping up in class throughout the semester.

Tuesday- Please answer Critical Thinking questions 1 and 2 on page 8 of your Outsiders study guide
Wednesday- Please answer Critical Thinking questions 2 and 3 on page 8 of your Outsiders study guide.

The long awaited field trip to the Renaissance Faire has finally arrived! We will spend Tuesday continuing our research for our presentations and Wednesday will be spent reviewing the rules and expectations for the field trip. You will be receiving a packet for the Faire on Wednesday as well. Thursday we will travel to the Faire. The bus will be departing at 7:30 am sharp. Please arrive by 7:15. On Friday we will complete a writing assignment from the Faire.

Tuesday- Continue researching myths
Friday- Complete writing assignment. It is due Monday.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Week of October 3rd

It's hard to believe that we are already beginning the month of October, yet here we are! The fall weather is settling in, days are getting shorter and even the Bloomsburg Fair is over! We are more than half way through the 1st marking period, so please be sure you are keeping up with your grades and turning everything in. Now is the time to turn your grade around if you are unhappy with it.

Honors English 9
Unit 1 Essential Question: What does it mean to be an American?

This week we are going to dive into our brand new literature textbooks for the first time. Please be sure to bring this textbook with you to class everyday this week.

We will start the week by reading 2 stories from Unit 1 and comparing them. We will answer questions like: How do the experiences of the authors differ? and What are their purposes?. We will also get into the habit of rooting answers in textual evidence by taking advantage of our workbook-style textbooks. Yes, we will be writing in the books! By Thursday we will have a much broader understanding of how to answer the unit's essential question. We will also be able to include A Separate Peace in discussions regarding American identity.

One major assignment of note for this week is your first test on the novel A Separate Peace. This test will be given on Friday. It will cover chapters 1 through 3 and will include essays.

Monday- A Separate Peace study guide questions for chapters 1 (should already be done) and 2
Tuesday- A Separate Peace study guide questions for chapter 3
Wednesday- A Separate Peace study guide questions for chapter 4
Thursday- Study for test on A Separate Peace chapters 1-4
Friday- Relax and read something you enjoy. You worked hard this week.

English 9
Unit 1 Essential Question: What does it mean to be an American?

We are pushing forward with The Outsiders this week, but we will also be incorporating excerpts and texts from our literature textbook. Please be sure to bring this textbook with you to class everyday this week. We will start the week by reading 2 stories from Unit 1 and comparing them. We will answer questions like: How do the experiences of the authors differ? and What are their purposes?. We will also get into the habit of rooting answers in textual evidence by taking advantage of our workbook-style textbooks. Yes, we will be writing in the books! By Thursday we will have a much broader understanding of how to answer the unit's essential question. We will also be able to include The Outsiders in discussions regarding American identity.

Monday- Review last week's vocabulary words. Don't forget them!
Tuesday- Answer questions for the except "The Immigrant Contribution" on pg. 29 of the textbook
Wednesday- Finish all questions, charts and character descriptions for chapter 1 on The Outsiders study guide
Thursday- Begin critical thinking questions on pg. 8 of your Outsiders study guide
Friday- Finish critical thinking questions on pg. 8 of your Outsiders study guide

FIELD TRIP PAYMENT AND PERMISSION SLIPS FOR THE RENAISSANCE FAIRE ARE DUE THURSDAY! After that time, your seat on the bus will be made available to other students.

This week we are pushing forward through our Earliest Heroes myths. Last week we read the myth of Prometheus and Io, now this week we will read about Polyphemus and Europa. You will take a quiz on all of these myths on Wednesday.

Our next unit after this quiz will be student-driven. In other words, you will be assigned 2 myths which you and your group will research. You will then prepare a formal presentation to give to the class in order to teach your myths. You will also need to assess student learning by making and giving a quiz on your assigned myths. You will be given Thursday, Friday and Tuesday in class to research your myths. Presentations will take place the following week.

Monday- Finish worksheet for Io and Europa
Tuesday- Finish worksheet for Polyphemus. Study for quiz on Flower myths and all of the Earliest Heroes
Thursday- Research myth
Friday- Research myth and prepare presentation

Monday, September 26, 2016

Week of 9/26

This week Honors classes will continue reading A Separate Peace and English classes will begin reading the famous novel, The Outsiders. Mythology classes will work on an advertising project and then read Flower Myths. 

This week all English classes will also be working with vocabulary. The schedule for vocabulary weeks will always be the same. Monday we will get the words and definitions. Tuesday and Wednesday we will do very quick reviews. Sentences using the words will be due on Wednesday. Thursday we will practice for the test. And Friday we will take a quiz on the vocabulary words.

Honors English 9:
Monday we will get our first list of vocabulary words. Tuesday we will begin completing a study guide for A Separate Peace and discuss the first 2 chapters of the novel. Wednesday we will continue reading and I will ask you to read up to chapter 6 by Monday. You can use the silent reading time on Friday morning to help you complete this reading assignment. Thursday we will review for the quiz and Friday we will take the vocabulary quiz and spend any remaining time completing the reading assignment.

Monday- study vocab words 1-8, vocabulary sentences
Tuesday- study vocab words 9-16, vocabulary sentences
Wednesday- complete chapter 1 study guide questions, review all vocabulary words
Thursday- study all vocabulary words for quiz tomorrow
Friday- read chapters 3, 4 and 5 of A Separate Peace

English 9:
Monday we will get our first set of vocabulary words. Tuesday we will begin reading The Outsiders and complete a corresponding study guide. We will review the vocabulary list on Wednesday and continue reading. Sentences using vocabulary words will also be due on Wednesday. On Thursday we will do a formal extended practice with the vocabulary words to prepare for the vocabulary quiz which will be on Friday.

Monday- study vocab words, write vocabulary sentences
Tuesday- study vocab words, write vocabulary sentences
Wednesday- complete chapter 1 study guide questions for The Outsiders, review vocabulary words
Thursday- study all vocabulary words for quiz tomorrow
Friday- ensure all study guide questions for The Outsiders chapter 1 are completed

Monday we will begin our next project, a mythical brochure. You will create a brochure advertising a mythical place using Microsoft Publisher. It is my intention that you complete most work for this project in school. Therefore, we will work on completing this project Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The brochure will be due to me via email (mzangari@northschuylkill.net) by Thursday. I will print the brochures.
On Thursday we will begin our next set of myths.

Monday- research mythical place
Tuesday and Wednesday- complete brochure
Thursday- read assigned myth
Friday- complete flower myth worksheet

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Attention all English students:

Students in Honors English 9:
You will be doing test corrections on your Parts of Speech test that was taken on Monday. You can receive 1/2 credit back for each corrected answer. Corrections are due Thursday. 
Period 1: We will work on this in class on Thursday
Period 3: Please complete corrections for homework tonight

Students in English 9:
You will be making corrections to your verbs test that was taken on Monday. As a whole, our biggest obstacle on this test was not identifying verb types, but rather identifying nouns and pronouns.  You can receive 1/2 credit back for each corrected answer.
Periods 2 and 5: We will be making test corrections in class tomorrow. Corrections will be due Friday.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Week of 9/19

This week English classes will be CDT testing in the computer lab. After our quizzes on Monday and the testing on Tuesday and Wednesday we will get to start our first pieces of literature for the year. I am very excited for the class discussions I anticipate us having!

Mythology classes will begin deeper discussions and practice with the lesser gods of Earth, Demeter and Dionysus. Classes will present on assigned myths and hopefully lively and interesting discussions will follow. These myths served as very interesting explanations for things we experience everyday such as the day/night cycle and seasons.

Honors English 9
The first half of this week is going to be all about testing. I know this can be stressful so be aware that you have exciting pieces of literature and good class discussions waiting for you in the next few weeks! On Wednesday please meet for class in room 934, the computer lab near the library. This is where we will be CDT testing.

Monday: Parts of Speech test
Tuesday: CDT Testing
Wednesday: CDT Testing
Thursday: Introduction to Unit 1: American Voices
Friday: Introduction to A Separate Peace

Monday-Wednesday: Read something you enjoy!
Thursday: Look through Unit 1 of your textbook. Pick 1 think you think looks interesting to you.
Friday: Read pages 1-10 of A Separate Peace

English 9
We will spending Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday testing in class. This can be a stressful time, but please know we will be moving into a novel that will give us a lot to talk about in class discussions and you will hopefully learn from and enjoy. The novel is The Outsiders and many people are familiar with it. There are even very famous quotes in the novel that you have probably heard before!

Monday: Verb quiz
Tuesday: CDT Testing
Wednesday: CDT Testing
Thursday: Introduction to The Outsiders
Friday: Continue reading The Outsiders

Monday-Thursday: Read something you enjoy!
Friday: Review character descriptions and themes for The Outsiders

This week we will focus on two gods that had a massive impact on the daily lives of ancient Greeks: Demeter and Dionysus. You will read an assigned myth and work with your group to create a presentation on that myth. As a group, you will be expected to summarize the myth, answer the questions on the study guide as well as answer discussion questions I will provide you with. You should expect questions from the class and be able to answer them.

Monday: Lesser Gods of Olympus quiz
Tuesday: Read Demeter/ Dionysus myths
Wednesday: Prepare presentations for Thursday
Thursday: Present and discuss myths
Friday: Finish discussions on myths and review for quiz

Tuesday: Finish reading your myth if you have not done so already
Wednesday: Prepare for presentation
Thursday: Complete study guide
Friday: Study for Demeter and Dionysus quiz

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Upcoming Tests Announcement!

Honors English 9:
Parts of Speech test Monday
This test will cover all parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

English 9:
Verbs test Monday
This test will cover the 3 types of verbs: action, helping and linking.
Please use your class notes to study. See me if extra practice is needed.

Lesser Gods of Earth quiz Monday
This test will cover the lesser gods from the corresponding note packet.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Week of 9/12

Can you believe after this week we will be almost halfway through the first marking period? Progress reports are coming up quickly and I hope all of you have been keeping up with your grades in this class and know what you have to do to earn the grade you want. If you have not checked your grade, please do so soon. If you are unable to check your grade, please as me. If you have questions about your grade, please ask me after class or email me. As I said in the beginning of the year, I want everyone to know where they stand so please don't be afraid!

English, this is the week most of us get to shift focus from grammar to literature! I am very excited as this gives us more opportunities for discussion, projects and reading.
Mythology, you get to play teacher for a bit this week as you present your posters. Afterwards, we will move on to the lesser gods of ancient Greece.

Honors English 9
You can expect your Parts of Speech test from last week to be returned to you on Monday or Tuesday.
This week will bring our grammar unit to a close. We will learn about the 3 types of verbs, adverbs, propositions and conjunctions all this week. Most of our notes will be taken on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so if you are absent please be sure to copy them from a classmate. Thursday and Friday we will practice and prepare for a comprehensive test on all of the Parts of Speech next Monday. Please do not wait until the weekend to begin studying. This test covers a lot of material and it would be wise to break your studying into sections throughout the week.

Monday: Review nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Tuesday: Look over notes from action and helping verbs. 
Wednesday: Review notes on prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.
Thursday: Practice using the different types of verbs to prepare for your upcoming test.
Friday: Study all parts of speech for your test on Monday.

English 9
We will start the week with a quiz on nouns, pronouns and adjectives and then move on to learning about other parts of speech. We will spend the majority of our week learning to use and identify all 3 types of verbs. This will culminate in a quiz on verbs on Friday. Please do not wait until Thursday to prepare for this quiz and the types of verbs can be tricky and easily mixed up.

Monday: Look back over nouns, pronouns and adjectives to reinforce what you have learned.
Tuesday: Review action and helping verbs.
Wednesday: Spend a couple minutes looking for sentences with verbs that can be either action or linking. Spot the differences!
Thursday: Study for your test on verbs tomorrow. You will need to know all 3 types as well as how to use and identify them.
Friday: Enjoy the weekend. Read!

We will open the week with student presentations of the posters you created last week. This will serve as a review for our quiz on the Titans and Olympic Gods on Tuesday. The rest of the week we will move into learning about the lesser gods of Mt. Olympus. We will take notes on these gods on Tuesday and Wednesday and review for a quiz on them on Monday. You will also have a theme song project which I will explain during class. This will be due on Friday.

Monday: Study for quiz on Olympic gods.
Tuesday: Review lesser gods notes.
Wednesday: Find theme song for lesser and Olympic gods
Thursday: Find theme song for lesser and Olympic gods
Friday: Study for lesser gods quiz on Monday

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


If you did not complete the adjective sentences we started yesterday and handed in today, you must do so for homework tonight. The sentences are due no later than tomorrow during class. After that time, you will not receive credit for the assignment.

Additionally, English 9, the quiz scheduled for Friday has been moved to Monday. Please be prepared for a quiz on adjectives, pronouns and nouns at that time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Week of 9/6

Hopefully this shortened week will soften the blow of school starting again for all of us. I am proud of the work we did last week and plan to continue with the same academic focus, discipline and most importantly respect throughout the rest of the year.

This week English classes will be given a test on our first three parts of speech: nouns, pronouns and adjectives. You can expect that test late in the week, Thursday or Friday. Mythology classes will also take their first quiz this week and begin our first project, posters for the gods.

Honors English 9
Congratulations! The stress of the summer reading test is behind you.
We will spend this week finishing the notes on nouns, pronouns and adjectives. We will review all parts of speech on Thursday and will take a test on them on Friday. You will have the entire class period Friday to complete the test. Questions or concerns, please see me.

Tuesday- Review the types of nouns and pronouns. Bring binder to class tomorrow.
Wednesday- Ensure note packet is complete, review types of pronouns and adjectives.
Thursday- Test tomorrow! Study nouns, pronouns and adjectives. Know how to identify adjectives.
Friday- Read. Enjoy the weekend

English 9
We are moving along very quickly with parts of speech and I expect to have a test on nouns, pronouns and adjectives mid-week next week. This week we will continue to review nouns and pronouns, but will begin discussing adjectives. We will learn how to use and identify them in sentences. You can expect a quiz on adjectives on Friday.

Tuesday- Review types of nouns and pronouns. There are several, know how to identify each. Please come to class on Wednesday with any questions you have. Bring binder to class tomorrow.
Wednesday- Review adjectives. How are they used. Study nouns/ pronouns vs. adjectives
Thursday- Quiz tomorrow! Study adjective questions and use
Friday- Read. Enjoy the weekend.

By the time you read this you will probably already have taken your first quiz for this class. Congratulations!
This week we will be studying the Greek gods of Mt. Olympus. They are called Olympians and they are the group of most powerful Greek gods in Greek mythology. Our first project will be a poster of an assigned Olympian. You will receive a handout detailing the information required on the poster and you will have 2 class periods to complete this poster. Your diligence during these work periods will be factored into your grade. I will provide you with a poster sized piece of paper as well as markers and color pencils. If you wish to use a difference size/ style poster board or other art supplies you will need to bring them to class with you on Thursday and Friday. You will also need to draw or print pictures of your gods. If you do not have a computer/ printer to complete this, please see me before Thursday.

Tuesday- Research Olympic god
Wednesday- Print pictures for Olympic god poster
Thursday- Finish any research and print any additional pictures needed for poster
Friday- Finish poster.
Poster due: Monday

Monday, August 29, 2016

Welcome Back!

Week of August 29th!

This is the first week of school and I can't wait to get to know you and work with you in class this year. Some of our first days together will be spent getting to know one another, but we will also be quickly jumping in to grammar reviews and studying for tests.

Honors English 9
Monday will be a day of review for your Flowers for Algernon test on Tuesday. This test is very important and you must pass it to remain in Honors English 9. Please feel free to email me (mzangari@northschuylkill.net) with any questions regarding the test and I will make an effort to get back to you as soon as possible.
Wednesday we will get to know one another and confirm seat assignments. We will also begin our Parts of Speech grammar unit which will last us through next week. We will spend some time reviewing nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

Monday: Study for test.
Tuesday: Bring Flowers for Algernon to school
Wednesday: Get classroom agreement signed by a parent or guardian. Due Friday 9/2
 Bring a 1.5-2" binder to class with you that you can use to organize class materials. Due Monday 9/5
Thursday: Get classroom agreement signed by a parent or guardian. Due Friday 9/2
Bring a 1.5-2" binder to class with you that you can use to organize class materials. Due Monday 9/5
Friday: Bring a 1.5-2" binder to class with you that you can use to organize class materials. Due Monday 9/5

Enjoy the long weekend! Read!

English 9
Monday we will spend time getting to know one another, assign seats and review classroom rules and procedures. Tuesday we will begin our Parts of Speech grammar unit which will last us through next week. We will spend some time reviewing nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

Monday-Thursday: Get classroom agreement signed by a parent or guardian. Due Friday 9/2
Bring a 1-1.5" binder to class with you that you can use to organize class materials. Due Monday 9/5
Friday: Bring a 1.5-2" binder to class with you that you can use to organize class materials. Due Monday 9/5

Enjoy the long weekend! Read!

Monday we will spend time getting to know one another and review classroom rules and procedures. I will not assign seats in this class unless behavior becomes an issue or students are getting distracted.
Tuesday we will begin our introductory unit on Mythological Terms. This unit will take us to the end of the week and you can expect a quiz coming up mid-week next week. A day for this quiz will be formally scheduled as we progress through the week.

Wednesday: Finish Introduction to Classical Mythology worksheet. Review types of myths and their purposes.
Thursday: Study for quiz on mythology terms and classification. Quiz Friday

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Week of May 16th

This week starts Keystones. From there our schedule will be rearranged for senior finals and then underclassmen finals.  That means we will spend this week finishing up our final units and start reviewing for finals.

Honors English 9:
We will finish our analyzing poetry packet and practice writing different kinds of poems on our own. This unit will culminate in a final graded poem which will be due on Friday, May 20th. Requirements and suggestions for the poem will be distributed on Monday.

This week we will also start reviewing for the final.
Period 1 takes their final on Thursday 5/26. Period 3 takes their final on Friday 5/27.

Because of schedule changes, I will not see an honors English classes on Thursday.

Monday: Complete poetry packet for "Abandoned House"
Tuesday: Brainstorm poem using suggestion sheet
Wednesday: Same as above
Thursday: Finish poem
Friday: Study for final

English 9:
This week we will watch the movie The Birds and complete a writing assignment comparing and contrasting the film to the short story we read last week. This writing assignment will be your last major assignment, besides the final, for the year.

The second half of the week will be spent reviewing for the final exam.
Period 2 takes the final exam on Thursday 5/26. Period 5 takes the final exam on Tuesday 5/31. Period 8 takes the final exam on Wednesday 5/25.

Because of schedule changes, I will not see period 8 on Tuesday. I will not see period 2 on Wednesday.

Wednesday: Finish Venn diagram packet
Thursday: Finish writing assignment
Friday: Revise writing assignment

This week will be spent finishing our current unit and reviewing for the final exam.

Because of schedule changes for Keystones, I will not see periods 4 or 7 on Tuesday. I will not see period 7 on Wednesday. And I will not see period 4 on Thursday or Friday.

Prepare for final.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Week of May 9th

Many of you are still working hard, completing your homework, asking great questions and reading. That can be very difficult as the weather turns nice, so I want to thank you and congratulate you all on your diligence. Let's keep it up!

Honors English 9: 
We will begin our poetry unit this week. Monday and Tuesday will be background information and and introductory activity. It's called black-out poetry and you can check out a video of it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKpVgoGr6kE.
We will move into analyzing poems and practice our critical reading skills as well as reinforce poetic conventions this week and next.

English 9:
All classes have been moving swiftly through the short story, "The Birds." We will aim to finish reading this story on Tuesday or Wednesday. After that, we will watch the Hitchock film of the same title. You will be assigned a short essay comparing and contrasting the two.

This week you will be writing your compare and contrast essays on The Odyssey and O Brother, Where Art Thou?. Please bring your Odyssey books to class with you everyday this week. We will be using them as we write our essays.
Essays will be due Friday, May 13th.

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2nd to May 6th

As of Monday, the last full month of school is underway! Let's keep working hard and end the year strong.

Honors English 9:
This week we will be writing and editing our Great Expectations essays. Monday will focus on theses, Tuesday quotes and evidence and Wednesday you will draft. Friday you will peer review your essay and the final copy will be due Monday, May 9th.

You will also be taking a test on Great Expectations on Thursday. Please prepare for the test by completing your study guide. Bring any questions you have to class with you before Thursday.

Monday: Complete pages 1 and 2 of study guide
Tuesday: Complete pages 3 and 4 of study guide
Wednesday: Study for Great Expectations test
Thursday: Finish drafting essay
Friday: Edit and revise essay. Print out or email to me by Monday morning.

English 9:
We will finish our work with complements this week. Your test on these is Monday.
On Tuesday, we will start our last short story, "The Birds." We will complete study guides as we read. Most work for "The Birds" will be completed in class.

This week we will finish reading "The Adventures of Odysseus." A test on the story will be given on Friday, May 6th.

This week we will also watch O Brother, Where Art Thou? to compare ancient mythology to contemporary storytelling. This is in preparation for a comparative essay you will write explaining the similarities and differences between the myth and the film. You comparative essay will be due next week.

Wednesday: Study for "Odysseus" test
Thursday: Study for "Odysseus" test
Friday: Draft introductory paragraph for essay

Monday, April 25, 2016

Week of April 25th to April 29th

All classes will be beginning new units this week! We have put a lot of work into the texts we are currently reading so it should be fulfilling and exciting to finish them and begin something new!

Honors English 9:
We will finish Great Expectations on Thursday. A paper and a test are to follow so begin thinking about what you would like to write your paper on. We have talked about symbolism throughout the novel (light and dark), unmet expectations, the fight between good and evil within characters and many other themes. Think about these to help you brainstorm.
The rest of the week will revolve around preparing for the Great Expectations test as well as the expository essay you will write.

Important dates
Great Expectations test Wednesday 5/4
Expository essay due Friday 5/6

English 9:
We finished The Outsiders last week and this week we will prepare for our final quiz. The quiz on chapters 9-12 will be Wednesday 4/27. 
We will also finish with our last 2 types of complements: predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives. There will be a test on all complements (direct objects, indirect objects, predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives) on Friday 4/29.

Monday: Finish Outsiders packet
Tuesday: Study for Outsiders quiz
Wednesday: Study complements
Thursday: Study complements

We will finish watching Troy and discuss its historical accuracy on Monday. On Tuesday, we will begin reading The Adventures of Odysseus. We will continue reading throughout the week.

Monday: Finish worksheet for article and Troy movie packet

As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Enjoy the last week of April!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Week of April 18th

Happy Spring, students! It has officially been Spring for nearly a month, but it seems like the weather is just now catching up. Enjoy it!

This will be another week of literature for most classes! English 9 classes will also complete vocabulary list 6B.

Honors English 9:
We are nearing the end of the novel. Start to look over your study guides from previous sections to prepare for our cumulative test.

Monday: Great Expectations quiz on chapters 32-44.
    Homework: Finish reading and answering study guide questions for chapter 45.
Tuesday: We will discuss chapter 45 and learn more background information on our author, Charles Dickens.
Wednesday: We will read chapters 45 and 47 in class.
     Homework: Finish reading and answering study guide questions for chapter 47.
Thursday: Read chapters 48 and discuss this section so far.
     Homework: Read chapter 49 and answer study guide questions.
Friday: Reading quiz on chapters 48 and 49.
     Homework: Read chapter 50.

English 9:
This week is a vocabulary week. You will get definitions on Monday, sentences will be due Wednesday and the quiz will be Friday.

Monday: Vocabulary 6B introduction and definition overview. You will have a quiz on Friday.
     Homework: Vocabulary sentences due Wednesday. Finish all study guide questions up to chapter 10.
Tuesday: Read The Outsiders chapter 10.
     Homework: Vocabulary sentences due tomorrow.
Wednesday: Finish reaching chapter 10 of The Outsiders. Answer study guide questions and discuss.
     Homework: Study for vocabulary quiz on Friday.
Thursday: Review vocabulary 6B. Answer any remaining study guide questions for chapter 10.
     Homework: Study for vocabulary quiz on Friday.
Friday: Vocabulary 6B quiz. Read chapter 11 and answer study guide questions.

We are moving into our final piece of literature for the class, The Odyssey!

Monday: Finish "Hercules" discussion and review for quiz. Begin introduction to The Iliad.
Tuesday: Take "Hercules" quiz and begin the film Troy.
Wednesday through Friday: Continue watching Troy and answering corresponding film guide questions.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Week of 4/11 to 4/15

This week we will be focusing on literature! We will talk about close reading, text-dependent analysis and main ideas/ supporting details.

Honors English 9:
We're making great progress on Great Expectations. You will have a reading quiz Monday for chapters 35-38. We will also go over all study guide questions.
For the rest of the week, we will continue reading until we hit chapter 44. You will have an announced quiz on chapters 32-44 on Monday 4/18.

Monday: Complete all study guide questions up to and including chapter 38
Tuesday: Read chapter 40
Wednesday: Reach chapter 42
Thursday: Finish reading chapter 44
Friday: Study for test Monday on chapters 32-44

English 9:
You have a test on direct and indirect objects on Tuesday 4/12. Please review!
For the rest of the week we will continue reading The Outsiders. We will read chapters 8 and 9 this week and you will have critical thinking questions for homework Wednesday night.

Monday: Review direct and indirect objects. Use Direct Objects (Pg. 1) #11-20 to practice.
Tuesday: Complete study guide questions up to and including chapter 8
Wednesday: Complete critical thinking questions for chapters 7 and 8

We will finish watching Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Tuesday. A discussion on the differences between classical Greek mythology and mythology on pop culture, specifically for the myth "Perseus," will follow. You can expect a quiz on "Perseus" on Wednesday. This quiz will be taken Wednesday whether we finish the movie on Tuesday or not.

Our next myth will be "Hercules." We will begin reading and discussing this myth on Wednesday and there will be a quiz on "Hercules" Friday or Monday. Over the weekend, you may watch the Disney film Hercules and compare and contrast the film to the Greek myth.

Tuesday: Study for "Perseus" quiz. Complete "Persues" study guide and Percy Jackson Venn diagram
Thursday: Study for "Hercules" quiz
Friday: Optional: Watch Hercules and compare and contrast to the original myth

Monday, April 4, 2016

Week of 4/4 to 4/8

Students, you've made it to the 4th marking period! Let's finish this year strong.

Honors English 9:
Tuesday we will have a quiz on Great Expectations chapters 16-31. Monday will be spent discussing these chapters and answering any questions.
The rest of the week we will move through the novel to chapter 38. Wednesday and Thursday we will complete a characterization project and Friday we will have a gallery walk and discussion about them. This will make more sense to you in class!
Friday we will have our second "unannounced" reading quiz on chapters 33 to 36. 

Monday: Study for quiz
Tuesday: Finish reading chapter 32
Wednesday: Read chapters 33 and 34
Thursday: Read chapters 35 and 36
Friday: Read chapters 37 and 38.

English 9:
This week we will finish chapter 6 and 7 of The Outsiders. While we read this week, we will also work on identifying direct objects and indirect objects. We will take notes and practice these on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Monday: Finish critical thinking questions for chapters 5 and 6 in your study guides.
Wednesday: Finish review direct object and indirect object review exercise.

We began working on the "Golden Fleece" myth last week. The background to the myth can be complicated, so if you're unsure, please ask me or a friend to clarify!
I aim to finish this myth by Wednesday meaning we will review and complete the study guide for a quiz on Thursday. We'll begin reading "Perseus" on Friday.

Thursday: Finish study guide and study for quiz

Have a great week!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Week of 3/28 to 4/1

Welcome back from your long weekend! This week is a vocabulary week for English classes. You know the routine: Monday definitions, Wednesday sentences due, Friday quiz.

Honors English 9
As stated above, this week is a vocabulary week for you.
We will also be reading Great Expectations. We are going to get to chapter 29 this week. You will have to read chapter 28 for homework Wednesday night. Don't forget to answer the questions in the study guide too!

Vocabulary sentences due Wednesday 3/30
Chapter 28 questions due Thursday 3/31
Vocabulary quiz Friday 4/1

English 9
This week is a vocabulary week so be ready for a vocabulary quiz on Friday!
We are also going to read The Outsiders. We will start chapter 5 this week and aim to finish it (and possibly chapter 6) this week. We will be answering study guide questions in class too.

Vocabulary sentences due Wednesday 3/30
Vocabulary quiz Friday 4/1

Most of this week will consist of student led presentations. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday students will present the myths they researched last week. There will also be daily quizzes on the lessons given by students.
Thursday and Friday we will begin a new myth, "Golden Fleece." We will read it as a class, answer questions and you can expect a quiz early next week.

Prepare for presentations

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week of 3/21-3/24

This week is a shortened week- no school Friday, March 25th!

Honors English 9
We will continue reading Great Expectations. Monday will start our second section of the novel, chapters 16 to 31. We will be freewriting, discussing and answering study guide questions this week for chapters 16 through 24.

Homework UPDATED:
Tuesday, finish reading chapter 18 for homework.
Wednesday, reach chapter 20 for homework and answer questions.
Thursday, read up to chapter 24 for Monday.

English 9
This week we are going to continue reading The Outsiders. Monday we will finish chapter 4 and answers questions from the study guide. Tuesday we will review chapters 1-4. There will be a quiz Wednesday on chapters 1-4.

Monday, complete study guide for chapters 3-4 (figurative language chart, reading questions AND critical thinking questions).
Monday and Tuesday, study for the quiz on chapters 1-4.

You are starting a research project this week!  You will be assigned a myth to read, research and teach. And will then create a quiz to test us on the myth. This project will be explained in depth on Monday and you will be given the remainder of the week to prepare your lesson. You will be assigned a day to present and will have 20 minutes to teach your myth.

Research your myth and create a powerpoint to present it. Develop a quiz.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Week of 3/14-3/18

Honors English: We will continue reading Great Expectations in class. You will be expected to read Chapters 12 and 14 at home and answer the corresponding study guide questions. You can expect a quiz on chapters 1-15 on Friday.

English 9: This week is a vocabulary week. We will copy definitions on Monday. Sentences for vocabulary words are due Wednesday and the vocabulary quiz will be Friday. We will review the words on Thursday.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we will continue reading The Outsiders. Be sure to have everything up to chapter 3 completed in the study guide by Tuesday.

Mythology: We will finish reading "Cupid and Psyche" this week and you can expect a quiz on that myth on Wednesday. After "Cupid and Psyche," we will move on to 8 Tales of Lovers. You will be broken into groups and assigned myths to read. You will then create critical thinking questions for your classmates to answer as they read the myths. Homework will include at home reading and answering questions.


Welcome to Ms. Zangari's homework helpline. Here you will find information about what we will be covering in class for a given week as well as upcoming assignments, tests and quizzes. You should use this blog as a resource from home. You should also use it to check what you have missed if you are absent from class. I plan to post weekly.

Please email me with any questions at mzangari@northschuylkill.net

Week of April 13th

Hey everyone, I'm feeling much more comfortable with technology and Google Classroom and I hope you are too. I received Week 1 assignmen...